If your pet needs to be taken to an exhibition, a vetclinic or countryside, call us any time and we’ll be eager to help you!
Our drivers kindly accept all the representatives of animals world: from little to big.
Cost of Service:
A car
- A driving period
- Сity – 0.82 BYN/км 0.77 BYN/км- this tariff is valid in case of a female being present during the trip
- Countryside – 0.82 BYN/км 0.77 BYN/кмCalculation of cost of the trip includes the way back - this tariff is valid in case of a female being present during the trip.
- A staying period
- Сity - 15 BYN/hour
- Countryside - 15 BYN/hour
- Landing
- 6 BYN
Friends, please, take care of animals.
If you give them your love and tenderness they will become the most devoted creatures for you for all your life!
With love to nature, WebTaxi.